After letting Facebook Inc. build a vast profile of me for 9 years, I deleted my facebook account. Privacy is not my only concern, but I personally reacted to how Facebook has affected the way we interact in our real life.
Downloaded a copy of my data from facebook -> settings This contained all of my messages, photos, videos, and probably a lot more information which I can not consciously recall sharing with Facebook.
Created a dummy facebook account* and added it to the resourceful groups I might miss out important information from.
*An account without any interaction i.e. No likes, No reactions neither love nor angry, no comments, no photos/videos, no “friends”. A profile to just receive information on email (sent by facebook).
(Going extreme) Blocked Facebook servers on my computer that my computer can never communicate to domain names linked to Facebook servers. See the list.
Social concerns
- People started using Facebook as LinkedIn by adding Freinds and it blurred the lines of relationships between two individuals — Article
- Real addiction to unreal things — Video
- Facebook (read Social Media) promotes Ignorance by thoughtless comments, replies and reactions
Privacy concerns
- This will suffice — https://stallman.org/facebook.html