

Mar 25, 2018
2 min


After letting Facebook Inc. build a vast profile of me for 9 years, I deleted my facebook account. Privacy is not my only concern, but I personally reacted to how Facebook has affected the way we interact in our real life.


  1. Downloaded a copy of my data from facebook -> settings This contained all of my messages, photos, videos, and probably a lot more information which I can not consciously recall sharing with Facebook.

  2. Created a dummy facebook account* and added it to the resourceful groups I might miss out important information from.

*An account without any interaction i.e. No likes, No reactions neither love nor angry, no comments, no photos/videos, no “friends”. A profile to just receive information on email (sent by facebook).

  1. https://www.facebook.com/help/delete_account

  2. (Going extreme) Blocked Facebook servers on my computer that my computer can never communicate to domain names linked to Facebook servers. See the list.


Social concerns

  • People started using Facebook as LinkedIn by adding Freinds and it blurred the lines of relationships between two individuals — Article
  • Real addiction to unreal things — Video
  • Facebook (read Social Media) promotes Ignorance by thoughtless comments, replies and reactions

Privacy concerns